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Every website has a story, and your visitors want to hear yours. This space is a great opportunity to provide any personal details you want to share with your followers. Include interesting anecdotes and facts to keep readers engaged.


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Zombie Hand Square-01.png

The Full Story

The undead have awoken once more. The sun temple village attempted to protect themselves but failed, and now the entire town is overrun with zombies. You must save the community and slay all of the zombies that have taken over. You can take down practically any single zombie with weapons and a knife, but swarms and hordes of zombies will be racing after you and attempting to bring you down. Who will survive? You? Or the zombies?


Surviving is the most important aspect of this game. Echoes of the Past is a zombie horde survival 3D first person shooter game. The purpose of the game is to survive waves of zombie hordes by employing weaponry obtained throughout areas that require exploration to unlock everything. The more kills a player wins, the more points they receives, which they may then spend on better weapons, upgrades, bonuses, and opening doors. The player is granted one life and begins with no points. To survive as long as possible, they must rely on their gunplay abilities.


This project was part of my final year project, which was to create a completely functional prototype of a game with at least 10 playable minutes. Because this was a personal project, I created all of the art, programming, and some of the models and animations, such as all of the weaponry. For the zombie models and animations, I utilised Mixamo, where I could obtain FBXs of the models ready to use in Unity, the game engine with which I produced this game. The Sun Map was a Unity Store component that I modified to match the gameplay. The woodland landscape was created using a YouTube video and some additional tweaks I built.


I plan to continue developing this prototype until it reaches a final 1.0 version when the game is perfectly balanced, bugs are squashed, and code is made more efficient. I would want to assemble a team of professionals to assist in the development of this game, including game audio designers, environment artists, and game artists to improve the game's appearance and feel. I am quite happy of my prototype, but with a little more effort and a more flexible schedule, I can make this game look, feel, and play fantastic.


Unity Project

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